Fire Damage in Your Rental? Who Pays for Apartment Fire Losses?
7/26/2022 (Permalink)
An apartment fire starts and spreads quickly, harming the interior and exterior of your space. Once crews extinguish the blaze, you and your renters in Saint Paul, MN, are left to face the repairs and discuss the losses. Who is in charge of damage? All parties must understand their roles in gaining compensation and restoring the premises.
How To Seek Compensation for Apartment Fire Loss
Rental property claims differ from a standard home policy that handles structural and content loss. In apartment buildings, the roles become divided. The landlord has some obligations; the tenant has some as well. The building falls on the owner's shoulders. The contents belong to the renter. Therefore, there is a line breaking up the payment roles. Read more to learn who is responsible for the financial obligations of the repair process.
What Are the Landlord's Obligations?
When determining who pays for fire damage, it's essential to think of the property in two ways: the structure and personal items. The landlord owns the land, including the building on top. Therefore, it falls on the owner's plate to correctly handle the property. These tasks fall under ownership:
- Opening an insurance claim for fire repairs
- Working with a fire restoration company to assess physical conditions
- Initiating remediation and restoration projects
- Finding a suitable, habitable place for tenants to reside
Fire demands careful attention. The sparks result in multiple factors that require attention, such as water, smoke and odor. It's imperative to fix and test them before permitting people to return. Property insurance claims often cover the cost of rebuilding and cleaning, so owners should diligently work with their insurance agents to discuss policy coverage and how to receive financial compensation.
What Are the Tenant's Obligations?
In an apartment fire, the landlord likely didn't have personal property in the unit. The building's coverage doesn't extend to the tenant's items. Instead, the renters must seek financial aid from their own insurance policy, requesting payment for content damage.
Without renter's insurance, those living there cannot receive payment for lost goods or items. For those with the policy, it's essential to notify the agent, establishing a personal loss claim immediately. The agent assesses the situation and can cut a check. The fire remediation experts should snap pictures of the destruction, including furniture, electronics and personal items. Tenants can submit these images and the crew's report to the insurer to validate the request.
Are There Any Exceptions to These Rules?
Landlords often require tenants to sign a contract mandating certain safety precautions. For instance, renters shouldn't overload circuits or leave candles unattended. When the renters fail to follow those guidelines, the landlord's insurance could find the tenant at fault. Then, the fire cleanup costs turn to the tenant and not the landlord.
Most often, the landlord still files with the building's insurer. The agency pays for the repairs, but the group works with the tenant's party to reclaim the funds.
When your rental property in Saint Paul, MN, suffers an apartment fire, the landlord's responsibility is to provide tenants with a safe place to live and fix the building.